All GE course syllabi must include, at minimum, the following information.
Basic Course Information Required:
NOTE: The submitted syllabus may use headings or spaces for section- or instructor-specific information and omit those details.
Course identifiers:
- Course prefix, number (include section number, where applicable), and title
- Class meeting time and place
- Instructor name
- Instructor contacts (office location, phone number, and e-mail address)
- Instructor office hours
- Required text / course materials (to be purchased or made available on Canvas?)
- Course prerequisites (where applicable)
- Course description (from the undergraduate catalog)
General Education Program Information Required:
- A statement that the course is a General Education course, including its LOPER category (e.g., HIST 210 is a General Education course that meets the LOPER 6 (Humanities) broad knowledge requirement).
- The purpose statement for General Education:
- The 体育菠菜大平台 LOPERs General Education Program helps students to develop core academic skills in collecting and using information, communications in speech and writing, and quantitative reasoning (LOPERs 1-4); to acquire broad knowledge in a variety of disciplines across the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences (LOPERs 5-8); and to instill dispositions that prepare students to lead responsible and productive lives in a democratic, multicultural society (LOPERs 9-11).
- The program objective for the course’s LOPER category:
- LOPERS 1-4 Program Objective: Courses are designed for students to develop core academic skills in collecting and using information, communications in speech and writing, and quantitative reasoning.
- LOPERS 5-8 Program Objective: Courses are designed for students to acquire broad knowledge in a variety of disciplines across the arts, humanities, social and natural sciences.
- LOPERS 9-11 Program Objective: Courses are designed to instill dispositions that prepare students to lead responsible and productive lives in a democratic, multicultural society.
- The specific learning outcomes for the course’s LOPER category
- An explanation of how the course enables students to achieve those learning outcomes. In other words, link the abstract outcomes to the course’s activities and assignments (e.g., [Outcomes a-b] will be achieved by finding sources and summarizing their arguments in the assigned research paper).
Course and University Policy Information Required:
NOTE: The submitted syllabus should include examples of the course policies that are required to be included in a syllabus, but it should indicate which of those are instructor-specific and which are common to all sections/instructors of the course.
- Course outline: include a tentative schedule of exams, major assignments, and events such as papers, projects, field trips, and presentations.
- Grading information: include both the components of the course grade and their weights, and the grading scale for course grades, specifying how many points or what percentage is required for each letter grade.
- Course policy / expectations: include attendance, class participation, late assignments, and conduct. Instructor policies on e-mail communications and use of technology in the classroom are recommended but not required.
- Academic integrity: include at least a reference or link to 体育菠菜大平台’s Academic Integrity policy and state the instructor’s policy/penalties for academic dishonesty.
- Other University policy statements: include reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities and those who are pregnant; reporting sexual harassment, sexual violence or sexual assault; and diversity & inclusion. (Update as needed each semester to include the latest policy statements.)
Complete the following checklist and include this in your course proposal. Marking “yes” affirms that your proposal includes the required information and that information is complete. The Director of General Education will review your proposal to make sure all of the following information is included. Once approved, the proposal will then be reviewed by the General Education Council Course Review Subcommittee prior to consideration by the full Council.
The General Education Council will evaluate proposals based on the following considerations:
- Does the proposal include all the required parts and information in sufficient detail for the Council to determine the course’s suitability for inclusion in the LOPERs Program?
- Is the course appropriate for new learners and non-majors?
- Is the course being proposed from an appropriate academic discipline for that LOPER category?
- Does the proposal establish that students who take the course will be able to achieve the applicable learning outcomes?
- Does the syllabus communicate to students the LOPER learning outcomes for the course, how they will be achieved, and how the course fits into the General Education Program as a whole?